Saturday 27 May 2017

Wet wet wet

....Out where the sky's been cleared by a good hard rain....

Had hoped the forecasted rain was going to arrive a little later, so it was a frantic jump out of bed at 04:45  as the thunder and lightning rolled in. Within seconds the rain was pretty hard although thankfully not torrential. Removed a few spp from the fence panel and popped the trap inside. Multiple May Bugs and Ladybirds. All moths fridged and then back to bed. Four NfGs, two macros and two micros plus a couple of smart Knot Grass, Willow Beauty, Flame Shoulder etc. If only there was some more 'habitat' nearby!

Later at Heath Pond, there was a brief respite with warm sunshine and my first Painted Lady barrelling by and a territorial Small Copper and male Common Blue. No obvious hovers other than many Cheilosia spp below and a Eupeodes.   Numerous blue damsels, this one photographed being Common rather than Azure

As the weather clouded over the numbers of Swifts and hirundines increased to about 150 ish. Three Reed Warblers were still singing and one male Blackcap was throwing a hissy-fit whilst I photographed insects nearby. The swans still have their 7 cygnets and both pairs of Great-crested Grebes were floating around  - presumably nowhere there for nests. Best of all a drake Garganey flew out from waterside vegetation looking a little tatty moving into eclipse. Where has that dropped in from?

Killed some time over breakfast at Aylings before a very brief (10 minutes) at Iping - Yellowhammer heard, single Tree Pipit perched up in a conifer and a Buzzard over. A few Common Heaths being blown around in the by now cloudy, breezy conditions.