A couple of hours shopping in Chi; no sight/sound of Peregrines.
At Heath Pond still a couple of hundred mixed Sand and House Martin but only one Swift; just one Grebe and Heron and a few Reed Warblers. When it warmed up still Small Coppers, Common Blues, Essex and Small Skippers, Red Admirals, Marbled White etc plus a male Volucella inanis, V.pellucens and a few common species. No sign of any Bee Wolf activity but male Crabro cribarius, a digger wasp, was new for me. Plenty of Noon Flies (
Mesembrina meridionalis) were the first I've seen for quite a while - particularly noticeable and presumably just out - not a species which is hard to miss. And a few black Arge species of sawfly.
Median Wasp |
Crabro cribarius |
Eriothrix rufomaculata |
Gymnosoma rotundatum |
Myathropa florea |
Volucella inanis |