After yesterday's aberration, normal (yeah right!!) service was resumed today with a couple of hours at Titchfield. Rather tempted to enjoy the breakfast and OD on coffee whilst doing the cryptic crossword and watching the gazillions of Common Terns on the dropping tide; luckily Amy estimated them at 550+ which saved me attempting a count. Result!!
East side insects were few in overcast and breezy conditions although both Volucella spp were present and several Platycheirus rosarum were obvious in the grassier area.
This juvenile Sprawk was having a scratch and this Kestrel, one of three juveniles in the air at the same time, seemed to like returning to this bush.
At Meon Shore eight Yellow Wagtails were low flyovers, Cettis and Water Rail were both in front of the hide and a Wood Sandpiper was flying around 'chiff-if-if' ing. Other waders were just a couple of Snipe and a single Avocet.
North Scrape had two Kingfishers, one here, and a couple of Greenshanks.
The 300+ Canada Geese were rather less welcome as was the much increased water levels.
Finally, this Common Darter was perched up on the Darter's Dip bench; neither Migrant nor Southern Hawkers felt like stopping.
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Helophilus pendulus |