Saturday, 5 January 2019


Another grotty, grey day but still and half a dozen degrees warmer than yesterday. The Sussex Brewery Waxwings had done a bunk but the two Cattle Egrets (105) were in the usual field, close at first until flushed by a dog walker. Back to the pub for another look but still no 'Waxtion', chatted to Barry and Margaret, FrAW and John King and Richard. Off for a few chores, back to the pub and gave in to the lure of a sausage sandwich and a pint after getting a parking permit. Subsequently, chatted to one of the Titchfield snipe counters and latterly Mike and Karen G. and Gordon and Pat H. A distant Peregrine flew north.

Quick look (at low tide sadly) for the Nore Spot'shank and Greenshank but no joy; just geese and Wigeon.

More Waxwing dipping tomorrow maybe. Or should I year dip the eagle??