Tuesday, with no transport, was just a local walk with little on offer. The Cow Parsley is now flowering although it and just bramble weren't attracting any insects. Butterflies were limited to sparring Speckled Woods, two Holly Blues and singles of Orange
Tip and Small White. Eristalis intricaria was the best of very few hovers whilst a Lily Beetle on Ramsons was the first I've noticed this Spring - a Suillia variegata (Heleomyzid fly) was nearby.
Finally, just the usual singing and tacking Blackcaps, one Chiffy and the swan still on eggs.
Wednesday, retrieved car and off to PB where just two very distant Whimbrel of note, found by Carey. Brief glimpse of two Nightingales but nothing else.
Thursday, struggling with stuff, so just an insect hunt at TH; too late for MFs skuas, one or two Arctic Terns offshore and a Hobby over the reserve mid-afternoon; brief views of the male Marsh Harrier. A decent list of 21 hovers, either species or unidentifiable, genus-only. I'm guessing more would
have been achievable with a net and some expertise!! Also Andrena fulva, nitida, cineraria, flavipes and plenty of Nomada, goodeniana, marshamella, fucata plus 'tricoloured' species. Just five species of butterfly and plenty of Large Red Damsels.
Shame I 'bottled out' of a Blashford visit as a Bonaparte's Gull turned up AND hung around. Maybe tomorrow!!
Well, a Friday visit for the Bonaparte's paid off although it took someone else to find it, being very distant and embedded in a gang of surface feeding B-hGs. Just Ringed Plover(1), Redshank (1), LRP(6) and twenty or so Swifts high up amongst the swirling martins. Being overcast and breezy ensured I couldn't relocate last visit's Brachyopa spp. These Green Dock Beetles (Gastrophysa viridula) below were trying to increase the population and this Large Red Damsel looked rather symmetric.
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Desysyrphus venustus agg |
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Orange Tip on Cuckoo Flower |