Some lunchtime culture, a little Mozart from Maria Luc, link here
Earlier the Ravens were present, obviously not decamped as suggessted last week. Both Peregrines were present, the female plucking a pigeon and a Kestrel in the gardens was presumably an ex-partner to the bird found recently taken by the Pegs.
Plenty of Blackcap song still plus Goldcrest and a soaring Buzzard off to the west.
The scrubby plot held a few leafcutters and Blue Mason Bees whilst the main gardens are still a draw for the various bumbles but only Scaeva pyrastri on the hover front (below).
Wednesday (Day 12) saw a late start at Pulborough with just one or two Garden Bumblebees, the Black Wood Spotted Flycatcher, two LRPs (both adults) and no Redshank/Lapwings chicks, presumably all predated. At least three families of Great Spots were on the heath with the adults and two young from one family using the cafe feeders.
Day 13, Thursday was a coffee, bap and Telegraph run up to QECP in very wet weather; and subequently prevented from getting back to the car by one heavy downpour for three quarters of an hour!! Luckily, this was enough of a delay to pick up a timely 'Phalarope spp at Pulborough' tweet from AA, followed half an hour later by ARK's confirmation of Red-necked, a site tick for me and possibly a new bird for the reserve. Arrived within the hour where a variety of scopes were offered for better, but still very distant views. DW's big Kowa and a visitors Swaro ATX both helped immeasurably. Thanks to you both; and volunteer Graham for initial looks. Later LGRE was a surprise visitor to the reserve.