Sunday 26 April 2020

Another brief jaunt..

Sue and I spent the last week of April 1997 with friends in Cyprus, based in Paphos and with general sightseeing in mind and so a less than stellar list ensued. A drive up into the Troodos and a day in Nicosia plus outings around Paphos with relaxing, eating etc. I seem to remember a particularly good Indian meal not far from the hotel!!

Best birds -:

Alpine Swift 20
Bimaculated Lark 2
Black Francolin 2 a
Collared Flycatcher 1
Cretzschmar's Bunting 2
Cyprus Wheatear
Eleonora's Falcon 10
Great Spotted Cuckoo 6
Greater Flamingo
Little Crake 1
Masked Shrike
Pied Flycatcher 18
Purple Heron 12
Red-throated Pipit 4
Short-toed Lark
Squacco Heron 22
Wood Warbler 4
Woodchat Shrike

54 spp but I probably didn't log common species - first rule of birding; never go on holiday with non-birders!!