Rollin 'n tumblin' by Cream from way back, when music was on fire here
At QECP a Raven overhead, with a couple of Buzzards sharing air space, joined a second bird and put on some aerial gymnastics - only the fourth record this year and the first for five months. The pond Moorhens had two youngsters probably less than a week old. Nothing else of note but a flyover Siskin.
Five Slow-worms were the first this year; no sign of any interesting tachinids nor indeed much else and just loads of Marmalade Flies typically on Ragwort, Bramble and Viper's Bugloss but bu**er-all other hovers.
Below Cinnabar caterpillar on Ragwort, Marbled White, Mignonette with Honey Bee, White Campion and Slow-worm.