Thursday 27 June 2024

Just local (ish)..

At Stansted for elevenses, the Kestrels were pretty noisy about the carpark; presumably with young now.

At CR last night's trap, despite yesterday's high temperatures, was still pretty thin with Ringed China-mark being only the second here and just Heart and Club (1st here) and the typically smart Varied Coronet.

Yesterday, sitting in stationary traffic on the way back into town produced a number of Small/Essex Skippers in the roadside vegetation which pushed me into checking 'butterfly alley' today which, unsurprisingly, was full of Essex (30+), one Large Skipper and a dozen or so Meadow Browns. Just Large White, Small White and Red Admiral. Sadly, Ringlet and Marbled White are scarce here. 

One or two worn Emperor Dragonflies were patrolling the path and the first flush of 'bonking beetles' were 'getting busy'; plus a few Megachile leafcutter bees near the play area and, best of all, Anthophora quadrimaculata near the new pond.

Hoverflies were thin on the ground with just Syritta pipiens and Xanthogramma pedisquum agg.