Sunday 4 August 2024

Recent home moths and local stuff


Dark Crimson Underwing was another new moth following on from Light Crimson Underwing yesterday and last Saturday at GWH, although the latter was new for me last year at Pulborough. 

The local foxes have been a big disturbance of late with a vixen and two large youngsters crashing about and, above, watching me processing moths!!

With the exception of Essex Skippers and Meadow Browns other butterflies have been thin on the ground so this Brown Argus near Stagg Pond was a real surprise.

Seven Common Odonata have used this pond and I guess Migrant Hawkers will turn up soon.

91/41 on the 1st was a nice treat with a couple of new micros but within 48 hours the early morning temperature was down to 13-14 °C and the catch down to a disappointing 20/13 - luckily the above DCU was a real surprise with a supporting cast of Elephant Hawkmoths, Marbled Greens and Tree Lichen Beauty.

Update - Tuesday

Yet more nosy foxes poking around the trap during the night. I wonder if they'll try to chew through the mains cable any time soon? Swift and Green Woodpecker were audible soon after first light and later at least twelve Greenfinches headed westwards.

Another nine Jersey Tigers, only the second Plumed Fanfoot and an oddity which rang no bells whatsoever - another new moth, Toadflax Brocade!!