Tuesday, 21 January 2025

First divers of the year

IC's early posting on the WhatsApp group of two Great Northern Divers off Rainbow Bar prompted me to pop over to Hill head for  the morning where it didn't take too long, on a gorgeously flat Solent, to find first one and then the second, just inside the Darling buoy. Further looking produced two then four Velvet Scoters which were joined by two Commons and all in the same field of view as the divers.

Offshore, and especially out towards Lee, there were lots of Great Crested Grebes, certainly into  three figures. A Male and female eider went west.

A brief walk up the east side found both Spoonbills feeding, preening and washing - a nice change from the usual white, sleeping blobs!!

Scanning the shoreline gulls failed to find Amy's Caspian Gull from yesterday.

Tuesday saw a brief Sparrowhawk slipping between the houses but no sounds from the pond's Water Rail, maybe due to the presence of the work party. The Tufted Ducks were into the 60s but just 10+ females. No Shovelers today