Friday 2 September 2016

Thorney and Farlington

Two Ospreys perched up on the usual fence posts from the east side, an adult and a juvenile, neither ringed. A third bird, another unringed juvenile, appeared and tried its luck at fishing in the fresh water channels unsuccessfully before moving out into the harbour channel to the east, when after a couple of trial attempts, it got lucky, caught a fish and came back in to sit on the same line of posts and enoy the fruits of its labours. Really nice to enjoy prolonged (and active) views. A Peregrine was on the ground behind the Ospreys before departing westwards. Also Yellow Wagtails (40+, probably more), Wheatear(4), Whinchat (1), Redstart (1), Common Whitethroat (several), Greenshank, Green Sandpiper, SpottedRedshank, Whimbrel and Kingfisher. Thirty Wigeon were the largest flock of the autumn so far for me. A nice productive hour.

No sign of the Wryneck at Farlington but a nice 'flicky-tailed' Redstart (young male). From the viewpoint, Curlew Sandpiper (2), Ruff (2), Greenshank (1), Grey Plover (200+), Ringed Plover (10), Knot (25), Avocet(2) and numerous Redshank, Dunlin and Black-tailed Godwits. Only raptors were two Kestrels although apparently a Peregrine had been through earlier. A Kingfisher was by the sluice and one or two Sandwich Terns were feeding in the harbour.