Tuesday 25 July 2017

Insects galore

At Heath Pond just 30+ House Martins, single Swallow and Heron - first day with not a single Sand Martin nor Swift. I'm guessing tomorrows poor weather may drop a few in. Two Phasia hemiptera and Conops quadrifasciatus (male) and lots of common hovers. No Bee wolf but Small Coppers and Common Blues plus this disturbed Blood Vein (above) and a Silver Y.

At the park no birds, a couple of Silver-washed Fritillary and a few Brimstones, another ten P.hemiptera, two Gymnosoma rotundatum, Figwort Sawfly and these hovers. So Syrphus spp (many hundreds), Episyrphus balteatus (many hundreds), Sphaerophoria spp (few), Myathropa florea (dozens), Cheilosia illustrata (dozens), Cheilosia spp (20), Syritta pipiens (2), Platycheirus spp (10), Meliscaeva auricollis (10), Meliscaeva cinctella(30), Dasysyrphus albiostratus (4), Scaeva pyrastri (4), Pipiza spp (1), Eristalis pertinax (100), Melangyna spp (umbellatarum? 1), Chrysogaster solstitialis (3), Eupeodes luniger (5 females), Eupeodes spp (10).

No photos here due to flat battery/no charger.