Wednesday 20 February 2019

Almost Peg time..

At home the small remaining patch of pulmonaria is not yet attracting any Hairy-footed Flower Bees.

Earlier at Chichester three tightly grouped Buzzards were annoying the gulls and later one of these or another went back north. Later, first one then a second Peregrine left the cathedral. In the gardens still plenty of 'hive' bees and a few Bumbles but no hovers today. Two very low Ravens slipped across the Bishops Garden.

A short stop at Farlington on the way back produced only three Snipe, no obvious Jacks, just ten Avocets, eighty plus Pintails and sixty or more Ringed Plovers. Good numbers of Redshank weren't hiding any Greenshanks nor Spot'shanks. And yet again far too windy to hear any Beardies.