Thursday 23 July 2020

Red not grey..

('Red' Knot and seven of twenty Turnstones using whatever perches were available)

Male Volucella zonaria, Black-tailed Skimmers, a brief hawker spp and a flyby fritillary spp were the only decent  insects. The Avocet family down to two chicks, lots of birds on the scrapes but once again the Roseate Tern proved elusive, although it was reported later. Sadly, in two visits pre- and post-lunch no other scope-toting birders just camera users so no help there! With so many white birds all dozing on and around the causeway it was like looking for a needle in a haystack and the view from the third hide is compromised by the height of the vegetation. Roll on crap weather to thin out the crowds and parking. On the bright side few other hide users and all 'socially distanced'.