Sunday 8 August 2021

Weather worsens and butterflies 'fall off a cliff'

 The weather has been uniformly rubbish both spring and summer and no obvious signs of improvement for the last half of the school summer break. Last week the skippers along 'Butterfly Alley ' fell off a cliff going to zero virtually overnight.  Just a few whites and browns left. And the local warblers have all gone quiet with this year's young presumably having headed south already. 

With the local swan's having vanished/died, despite being almost adult size, the locals contacted the council and the remaining two were removed.  Click here for more swan info.

A Sparrowhawk was up being hassled by noisy crows and magpies but seemed to shake them off as it was circling high over the pond 20 minutes later. The gull loaf today was just 50 odd moulting BHGs.

Below Eriothrix rufomaculata, Eristalis arbustorum and Ptychoptera contaminata