Wednesday 9 February 2022

A fairly short, sharp visit to TH was pretty quiet with just a single Marsh Harrier(c/c) visible firstly from Meadow Hide and later from the road. This distant Raven was one of two performing their typical east to west journey over the reserve with a string of smaller corvids escorting them on their way - obviously creatures of habit - where do they go and why?

This Curlew was one of two, rather too distant for pictures, alongside 150+ godwits and a similar number of Wigeon.

Today was a 10 minute look off the Broadmarsh slipway with the first (calling) Med Gull of the year; hopefully one for the 5k patch, and indeed home, shouldn't be too long now.

Several Little Grebe were in the main channel and this one Wigeon was in close washing, drying and preening it's feathers back into place.

Also heard from CL regarding the first Bee-fly of the year at Pulborough, nearly a fortnight earlier than last year's nationally recorded on Bee-fly Watch (Dipterist's Forum).

And, of course, gripped by all the photos of the Sussex American Robin!! Why can't  we have something like that in Hampshire?