Thursday 16 June 2022

Titchfield Recent

Two Glossy Ibis, present for a few days, had taken up residence on the Bridge Street and Posbrook Floods. No sign on my arrival and I was returning back to the car 'empty handed' when a Buzzard appeared circling low over the flood flushing the ibises into view  before they landed on the far shore. A different bird was seen and photographed by MF a few days later further south on the river.

The first free flying juvenile Black-headed Gulls are now on the wing but smaller chicks are still being continuously  picked off by patrolling Lesser Black-backed Gulls; no Avocet chicks  have survived so far. A handful of Turnstone are still around the harbour and 100-150  Black'wits commute between Posbrook and the reserve - all of these waders having presumably decided to not head north for the summer.

Below male Platycheirus fulviventris; and paired Hairy Dragonflies holding on for all they're worth in windy conditions. Sadly, the single Downy Emerald on Darters Dip was, like the others this year (and most years), incapable of stopping for a photo. If only they would learn from Libellulas and Sympetrums!!