Sunday 17 July 2022

Other recent insects


(Hawthorn Shieldbug, unidentified robberfly, possibly Kite-tailed, Essex Skipper, first Gatekeeper of the year, first Southern Hawker of the year, Volucella zonaria, Scaeva pyrastri, Banded General, large female Tabanus spp).

Unsurprisingly the time of year and excessive heat have made hovers very thin on the ground and few in number. Volucella pellucens remain in partly shaded areas along with a few Eristalis intracaria and of course plenty of Marmalade Flies but little else. 

Locally, a few Volucella zonaria have been on the usual bramble flowers but no sigh of inanis yet here, nor indeed elsewhere.

The  Essex Skippers, Meadow Browns and Gatekeepers along the rapidly drying and cracking roadside path were joined by a male Common Blue yesterday, not particularly common this close to the house, plus the odd Comma.

The 'one that got away' in recent days was a good candidate for Willow Emerald damselfly at Titchfield!! Just too high and then up and away over the trees.