Saturday 13 April 2024

A few miners....


Thursday, PHP and QECP were poor in grey, misty conditions with just Firecrest (1 and 3 respectively) Great Crested Grebe at the former and Grey Wagtail at the latter.

Today, better weather today produced a few more insects.

Andrenas - flavipes, haemorrhoea, scotica and fulva. Nomada goodeniana

Butterflies - Speckled Wood, Brimstone, Small White, Peacock and Comma.

Dark-edged Beefly

Parent Bug - Elasmucha grisea

Hoverflies - Myathropa florea 

Beetle (above) - Agonum spp

Titchfield today and back to cloud and wind:-

Just five sedge Warblers NfY, about 75 Avocets, single Little Gull and both harriers, the male displaying. Others had a couple of Garganey and a Hobby at Posbrook.