Sunday 7 April 2024

Is it really spring??


Pretty much little this week. 

A jaunt over to Chi to p/x some camera gear saw one of the Peregrines, the female I think, circling the spire during a shower and watched through the cafe's glass roof. On leaving it was on the sheltered east side.

A brief stop at Broadmarsh was Osprey-less and just another Peregrine launching off the dead trees. And finally at least fifteen Avocets from the car going over the bridge.

Locally, three singing male Blackcaps, one on the north side doing some Reed Warbler phrases. A Cetti's was strident in the scrub backing onto the extended gardens on the south side of the field. A Swallow was the first local bird of the year and was heading north like a bullet with a strong tailwind.

Insects were thin on the ground with the above Helophilus pendulus and Epistrophe eligans being first for the year.

The above local Bluebells had a photo-bombing 14-spot Ladybird which made a change from all the 7-spots.