Monday 25 January 2021

Little things

Number 30 takes it up to 21,000 pieces!!

Six of the twenty or so Shovelers today in nice bright conditions - one of the best days of the year so far although not predicted to last. Shame the phone camera is about as useful as a potato!! On the bright side two very smart drake Pochard were a real surprise as they are very infrequent here (Hants GoB shows only four previous singletons in seven years!!). No other changes although with such a poor start to the year weather wise, Covid and no real opportunity for birding, getting year ticks is pretty easy - and so Pied Wagtail was added to the list, typically full of nervous energy and flittering around the pavement adjacent to the crossing, and brought the year total to a pathetic 39 rather than the more usual 130-140 January total.