Sunday 17 January 2021

Staying (very) local.

 Just a short local walk with a calling Cetti's of note, the first I've had here this winter but still not cold enough  to draw in any Water Rails.

Shoveler much reduced to less than ten unless the rest of last week's birds were tucked away on the island. The heron was again hunting but much further out and well concealed this time and a couple of Cormorant flew in to roost from the west.

With the local coffee shop still open and doing business there were more people carrying takeaway drinks, now presumably NOT labelled 'picnics'(!!), than were wearing masks. For my part - needing to shield until at least covid jab presumably February/March time - I'll  continue to wear mine.

The last few days have seen a surge in garden bird activity with Goldfinches reappearing, lots of House Sparrow and Starling activity and Blue Tits checking out neighbour's nest boxes - I think they sense spring is just around the corner.

The local foxes seem particularly vocal these last few weeks with barking individuals in and around the garden most nights usually triggering security lights multiple times.