Tuesday 13 June 2017

Back to summer..

Unsurprisingly the weekend's male Ruff  and Amy's Marsh Warbler from yesterday were long gone. One calling cuckoo and a second dull bird, presumably a female briefly perched up were the best; one possibly two Marsh Harriers plus single Sparrowhawk. Oystercatcher and Common Tern pairs still on eggs ant Meon Shore hide. No other notable birds and the warmer, less windy weather in conjunction with strimmed pathside vegetation and gone-over umbellifers meant the hover numbers were hugely down since last visit.

A few Emperors, with just this one perched distantly, plenty of Four-spots and the first Black-tailed Skimmer of the year. This Four Banded Longhorn Beetle above (Leptura quadrifasciata) was the best looking insect.