Saturday 3 June 2017

Saturday, Day 3 Where damsels go to die...

A nice mixed bag today starting with my first Volucella pellucens of the year hovering in a brightly sunlit spot, defending the area against all comers. Strangely, few other hovers other than Marmalade Flies, Eristalis spp, Parhelophilus spp and Syritta pipiens. At Ivy South two Hobbies, both hawking , one close, one much further and higher to the east - and the Common Terns now well established on the rafts. The reeds were covered in exuviae, mostly damsels, and a couple of Red-eyed Damsels plus lots of Commons were mating, whilst an Emperor dragonfly patrolled up and down. Looking closer, this Water Stick Insect was a nice find  - no idea when I last saw one of these.

On the other side still noisy LRPs and a noticeable increase in geese, one aggressive Egyptian having nine large youngsters chasing a Mallard family; and another Hobby hawked to the north.

Some Sand Martin activity in the wall but nothing photogenic sadly and a Sparrowhawk slipped out of the remaining trees; presumably it will return to predate any unwary martins over the summer.

This small Bee Orchid was by the path.

Most of lunchtime spent chatting to J6x4 about Mull and another tog about India and Tiger photography although a Grey Wagtail did slip overhead calling.

A Hairy Dragonfly was patrolling reception pond but not sitting up for pictures whereas this Four-spot was more obliging.