Thursday 8 June 2017

Mostly Autumn

Well Spring has given way to Autumn over the last few days with today being the least wildlife-watching friendly so far. Should have put a link here to Mother Nature a track from Mostly Autumn, a latter day prog rock (ish) band once recommended by a friend.

A brief walk between showers produced a few Meliscaeva auricollis, although the photo was from yesterday, several Cardinal Beetles, two Firecrests were singing from deep in cover, one on the forest side and one on the road side. On the pond the Moorhens now have three very small chicks, presumably just a couple of days old. The usual route is now getting overgrown and so was very wet. Where the scrub thickens a Chiffchaff alarm called and came in response to some pishing; seemed as if it was tending presumably fledged young.