Tuesday 24 March 2020


Today, just a week after the weather changed for the better, sees us in day one of lockdown, unable to go anywhere other than for essential foods and small amounts of local exercise. In situations like this it's brought home to me that I should really have moved to a more rural area as the only wildlife in the few yards of concrete garden are Hairy footed Flowerbees and the odd nightime visit from foxes. On the bright side opening the door today let in sounds of Blue Tit, Coot, Canada Goose and Mallard.

A local exercise walk on this sunny day brought a good number of first-for-year Bee Flies around the flowering Blackthorn along with lots of small Andrena spp, a very bright and furry Andrena fulva plus singles of Peacock and Brimstone. Amongst a few hovers Epistrophe eligans was the best.

Gull noise alerted to two Sparrowhawks, I'm guessing both males, which were happy to spar with each other until both driven off, one to the south by one group of Herring Gulls and the other to the west by another group.

Songbird wise just single Chiffchaff and no sight nor sound yet of Blackcap.

The weather was warm enough to draw out two plate-sized terrapins fir a bask on a partly submerged log.

I'm rather regretting not following the trend of overnight nocmigging favoured by some others.