Saturday 28 March 2020


The last few days have seen a cooler, strengthening wind and a reduction in inverts with just a couple of male Eupeodes spp, one on 'patch' and the other in the garden. At the pond a couple of Great Black-backed Gulls dropped in for a wash, a Heron was pushed north by gulls and a single Sparowhawk, presumably one of Tuesday's birds, soared up before diving behind the pub in search of lunch!! Today, Saturday, is a cloudy, breezy with little chance of anything of interest so no '1 hour exercise' today. Duck Soup by the Marx Brothers was on earlier, a throw back to simpler times, and definitely a Desert Island DVD!

Nice to find on Twitter today that OSME have released the current Sandgrouse as a free pdf; long time since I been a member and looking forward to reading it.

Elsewhere, over the border in Sussex there's been plenty of the usual spring wandering Red Kites and, whilst its unlikely any will drift over Pompey, I must make the effort to check out any Herring Gull noise!

With so little on offer I've decided to revisit some earlier birding trips and notable UK birds over the last fifty although, sadly, almost none will have photos.