Sunday 5 May 2024

How busy??


An earlier than usual arrival at PB on what promised to be the best day of the year for weather saw 'carpark control' in place even before opening!!

With multiple groups, SOS, Guildford RSPB and Bognor Camera Club plus bank holiday weekend and nice weather was a perfect storm for lack of parking.

Birdwise standouts were Great Egret, two White Storks,  one adult White-tailed Eagle, plenty of all the usual songsters and, most surprising, a singing Wood Warbler on Hollybush Hill, sadly not visible and in the same location as last year's bird. I wouldn't expect to encounter this species again this year with such a slump in the New Forest in re ent years.

Inverts were a little disappointing with the bug Rhopalus subrufus (above) and Nomada fabriciana on Forget-me-not (above).

The stitchwort (above) was the most photogenic flora for me. 

A female Adder was hunkered down deep into grass at Winpenny corner and this Reed Bunting was singing strongly in front of the hide and perched up close after a failed chase of a damselfly. Unfortunately, in the time it took to swap macro for telephoto, it flew back into cover and hence the photo above.

The Garganey had been seen but I and everyone I spoke to had failed to locate it; and a Spotted Redshank called but wasn't visible. A few Swallows were the only other summer visitors until two Hobby popped up catching insects up high (and again from the tea terrace prior to leaving).

This nice male Adder was sunning along Adder Alley. Hopefully it might be identifiable.

Having spoken to MJ regarding Adder dancing earlier  it was frustrating to miss the action at the top of the zigzag by just minutes. One individual remained obligingly visible in a 'hot spot' for all the photographers.

Nice to bump into horse-riding Nikki (first time in 4-5 years) and her parents and having a delightful chat to a family, friends of CO, on the heathlands.

Leaving soon after 1pm saw at least ten cars stacked on the access road awaiting parking spots!!