Friday 24 May 2024

Precious little..


(Poplar Hawkmoth, Syrphus spp NOT ribesii, Ancistrocerus spp, Sarcophaga spp, Eumerus spp and a few Orb Weaver spiderlings).

A minimal moth trap (white Skinner) produced this fresh Poplar Hawkmoth, a few Willow Beauties and little else.

The rest above were beyond the pond; the Reed Warbler was silent or possibly long gone but the very vocal 'back garden' Cetti's had not moved more than 50yds in weeks!!

PS Another wet night on the cards tonight so no trapping.

PPS Monday, the Reed warbler was back to singing strongly, so obviously not departed and a Swallow, presumably a local breeder, was hawking just inches over the ground. A flush of  Broad Centurions (below) were the only new insects although it was pretty windy.