Friday 31 May 2024

Plenty of inverts and a twitch..


(Sycamore, Scoparia pyralella, Mother Shipton, Pipiza spp, Tachina fera, Zophomyia temula, Volucella bombylans, Microdon spp, Andrena cineraria, Five-spot Burnet, Crambus lathionellus, Common Spotted Orchid, Med Gulls, Burnet Companion, Peppered Moth, Volucella pellucens, Wasp Beetle, Epistrophe melanostoma, Mesembrina meridiana).

News broke early on Thursday of this Red-necked Phalarope at Sidlesham and so a quick drive down found the bird immediately but very distant on the left-hand side of the pool. Decent scope views when the sun broke through - and a catch up with CR from Titchfield and Barry and Margaret. (Photo courtesy of photographer - not mine). News broke of Hampshire's breeding Roseate Terns.