Wednesday 21 June 2017

D21 Time to pray to the rain gods!!

A nice coffee in the shade with a very welcome breeze was spoilt by typically selfish dog walkers ( 8 or 9 pooches between the three of them) with dogs running into restaurant, serving area and kitchen on multiple occassions plus the usual yapping and subsequent shouting ; ignorant f@@@@ers!!.

Still, away from that some interest despite the heat including this V. bombylans on the shaded top path and later a fair few Marmalade flies, Platycheirus spp, Meliscaeva auricollis etc, Figwort sawflies and Emperor Dragonfly on the pond and this, as yet unidentified longhorn (Stenurella melanura maybe).

On the butterfly front plenty of Meadow Browns now supplemented by similar numbers of Ringlets, several Red Admirals, Small Torts and some obvious Large Whites. Strangely,no skippers and fewer Marbled Whites but one or two of the hoped for Silver-washed Fritillaries. First flushes of Pyramidal Orchids at various points around the site (and also at Hazleton roundabout despite the recent council/HA strimming) and lots of very atttractive Viper's Bugloss laden with bees.