Saturday 10 June 2017


Cool and overcast last night so few moths (11!!), one of two Willow Beauty being very fresh, a Green Pug and this (below) an Oligia (Minor spp). A female Eupeodes luniger was buzzing around in the early morning sunshine.

Later at Blashford two basking Grass Snakes, one silt pond and one Ivy South.
On the way back to the car an overflying Buzzard drew attention to this much higher Hobby (below) and a Kingfisher zipped over the path. On the north side probably 100 Swift and a few dozen Hirundines and three Lapwing chicks from two broods plus a single Oystercatcher chick. Strangest sight was a fledged but still young Jay which landed on the shoreline but then flew over the water, landed and proceeded to drown!!

The moth trap had been emptied of the little it contained with just Clouded Border and Bloodvein remaining. Spent lunch with Jacqui and Jim and then headed back home

Should have checked the blog entry as there were two species of soldierfly on the HWD yesterday apparently.