Thursday 15 June 2017

Still black and yellow...but some orange and black!

At Petersfield lots of black and yellow parasitic wasps (maybe Amblyteles armatorius) in the grass plus an Ectemnius spp, along with Syrphus spp and the usual, hovers, but now worn V bombylans and M equestris. The V pellucens were all much fresher. Highlight was a first for me.. a Villa spp of Beefly (maybe cingulata, maybe not!) here below. A long and very pleasant chat with a local gent taking his morning constitutional whilst watching a number of all three species of hirundines, probably 50 in total plus Swifts and four or more Black-tailed Skimmers landing on the shingle path. A single Med Gull flopped into the pond for just a second before heading off and maybe ten more astonishingly high almost invisible against a bright blue sky. Four or more Reed Warblers and a family of Blackcaps by the carpark.

 A Red Kite was over the field prior to the A3 Buriton junction.

Earlier at home Beautiful Hooktip and Hummingbird Hawkmoth were both NfG as was a subsequently identified micro taking the garden list up to 178.