Saturday 2 June 2018

Day 2 and a few new bits and bobs..

A decent haul of hovers submitted to FB today came to 29 spp including Meliscaeva cinctella, Chrysotoxum festivum, Eristalinus sepulchralis,  Riponnensia splendens and both Anasymias.

Another Large Skipper sat up nicely and this Painted Lady was the first for the summer followed soon after by a second. Depressaria daucella was out in force for the first time this year on the water dropwort as was Arge pagana (Rose Sawfly) nearby.

A good number of Avocets with young and these Shelducks in the harbour with seven very young ducklings, still at the stage where they dive very efficiently).

Still Orange -tip and Hairy Dragonfly on the wing although Four-spotted Chasers are now the dominant species in terms of numbers.