Tuesday 10 July 2018

Only the second Mother of Pearl (first here) and this Elephant Hawkmoth was about it in a very poor catch.

At Petersfield about 40+ mixed martins and twenty or so Swifts and a single Great-crested Grebe. The grassy areas are all yellow and dried out and despite some still fresh looking umbellifers, ragwort etc pretty few insects on show. The ubiquitous Black-tailed Skimmers were on and near the path although this one chose to perch up nicely for a change. The sandy areas had plenty of digger wasp tunnels with attendant Miltogrammine flies (below) and Sphecodes bees but no obvious signs of Beewolfs.

At the park just Buzzard overhead whilst enjoying the shade, a nice breeze and Felafel and Tzatziki salad. Just Bullfinch, Emperor Dragonfly and  singles of Marbled White and Chalkhill Blue. Tried to locate Bombus vestalis on Viper's Bugloss (per FB last week) but it was pretty insectless in the heat and strong breeze, so no joy. Red-tailed Bees were particularly noticeable.

Dominant species today were white and brown butterflies.

Locally, the Reed Warbler was still singing, today from the south-west corner, a heron fishing and two calling Med Gulls over plus a very high Sparrowhawk being hassled by a Herring Gull