Hardly any birds expected today and the four Med Gulls over the A27 en route seemed likely to be the best, but perhaps just edged out by a brief view of Cuckoo and a tail-on Red Kite at Pulborough. The cloudy and breezy conditions didn't seem too good but sheltered areas and an increase in sunshine and temperatures produced lots of stuff eventually. Small Heath, Brimstones (first for a while), first Ringlet of the year, first White Admiral of the year, Painted Lady and Large Skipper were the best but swamped by the sheer numbers of Meadow Browns. No Gatekeepers yet.
Black Pond had a nice fresh Brown Hawker and a new teneral Common Darter plus ovipositing Emperor and loads of Four-spots.
The din from the Little Flower Bees and digger wasps etc was amazing and in addition the Ammophila sand wasps were exploring the many burrows; Wool-carder Bee was in the planted area adjacent to the main courtyard gate but didn't hang about for a decent shot.
Celypha lacunana was flushed up in various spots, Eristalis arbustorum and Sericomyia silentis were the best hovers, a robberfly awaiting id (Neoitamus cyanurus), this Ruby-tailed Wasp was one of dozens and Trichrisis cyanea was again present on the wooden fence.
Earlier, after a chilly, clear, moonlit night, the trap was not without its rewards with three Lackey (later one sitting quietly where I left it 14 hours earlier), my first ever Small Ranunculus and L-album Wainscot plus a nice Blue-bordered Carpet.