And you'll spread your wings and you'll take to the sky...
Well George Gershwin certainly knew his way around a tune. But he may have struggled to do this had he lived now and in the UK; summer struggles to arrive and before you know it Cuckoos have departed and autumn is just round the corner.
With an early and extended hospital appointment today the moth trap stayed in last night (but back out tonight hopefully) and little opportunity elsewhere for anything new for 30DWiJ week two.
I'd hoped to avoid having to include photos of Swollen-thighed Beetle but
here is one from today and hopefully the last for 2018!! I also took a few of Speckled Wood just in case, but again hopefully the last for the year. Luckily, a few Blue-tailed Damselflies have appeared in the last few days and here is one photobombed by a Syrphus hoverfly. On the same small patch of umbellifers as last week's Helophilus trivittatus, today this Mint Moth and Eristalinus seplulchralis with its hairy lower eyes.