Wednesday 14 March 2018

A record shot only day..

An early start for me, meeting up with 'SDOS on the road' by 09:30.
The 'bycatch' of Gos'ing today were a couple of Siskins and Hawfinches, numerous Buzzards, two Ravens, single Woodlark - and 4-6 Goshawks with birds on view most of the time. Good to catch up with so many people including GT and wife, plus Judy(?) demonstrating butterfly transects to Chris (who was later at Blashford). Probably 25 people in total plus the odd dog-walkers.
At the carpark a couple of vocal Marsh Tits.

Off for lunch at Blashford where the above distant, silhouetted Raven was one of three and the 13 Goosanders, again above, were part of 35 or so during the afternoon. The Water Pipit was too far for a proper photo and skulked around the shoreline along with a couple of Grey Wagtails and about 20 Pied Wagtails which were typically mor obliging. No sign of yesterday's LRP and this morning's Osprey obviously went straight through as did a Sand Martin. Chatted to J6x4 and, briefly, PW about dodgy record shots.
Best part of 200 Cormorants on the islands but no notable gulls other than 3 Meds by departure at 15:45.