Monday 5 March 2018

Two misses....and the return of meowing.

A scan out to sea produced a single Eider and the nine, seemingly resident, Common Scoters off Brownwich before picking up another twenty or so Eider towards the Southampton Water entrance. With Rainbow Bar exposed and little dog traffic 25 each of Sanderling and Ringed Plover plus a few Dunlin, mostly roosting. Sadly, a year tick in the shape of a Spoonbill had flown inland just before I arrived and about the same time it and an Iceland Gull, another miss so far this winter, were on Posbrook Floods before departing.

On the east side a Water Rail slipped under the boardwalk and a second was glimpsed twice in the Meadow Hide ditch. A Stonechat here vanished before I could get a hand on my camera; shame as it was sat up close and was nicely posed. This Wren wasn't as quick to depart but neither did it pose well. A Water Vole's presence was detected by the usual jerky movements in the vegetation and chewing sounds.
Today was the first day this Spring when the meowing of Med Gulls started to become the 'soundtrack' of a day's birding.

First one, then two, then three Marsh Harriers were active, interacting and becoming very vocal; I wonder if the third bird was one of last year's juveniles? A distant Raven, the Ruff in amongst the godwits and the odd Snipe were best-of-the-rest.

Chatted to Mark and headed back, where Stuart had photographed a Firecrest near the bamboo at Suffern junction. Had lunch by which time the rain had set in.