Wednesday 21 March 2018

Post snow P and P.....

So many dogs and dog turds everywhere  - why can't these people clear up!!!
A Buzzard over the Causeway, two over the carpark and singing Mistle Thrush and strident, calling Nuthatch. A couple of bee spp (one probably Bombus pratorum) but no macro lens today and no other obvious mini-beasts. On the water, five Shovelers, just two Pochards and a Little Grebe; the Great crests seem to have moved on. About 250+ gulls featured ten or more Meds but birds were constantly arriving, washing and departing.
At the park just three more Buzzards and a Brimstone - the usual loop was too muddy today without more appropriate footwear.
Back home the first hover of the year, a male Meliscaeva auricollis, and three male H-fFBs, one here in flight with the 400.