Tuesday 10 April 2018

Too brash for some..

The ubiquitous dawn chorus is Blackbird, House Sparrow, Starling, Wood Pigeon and Med Gull with calling pairs of the latter followed by twenty or more heading north-west over the town. The recent council blitz on the pond after years of neglect led to some large piles of stacked brash which looked like useful micro-habitat and yesterday's Cettis was definitely happy skulking around amongst it - today its all gone!! Presumably cleared out yesterday afternoon. Now no fenceline vegetation at all and although things will grow back it certainly seemed like heavy-handed maintenance. The Shovelers all appear to have left. One singing Willow Warbler in the 'squirrel wood' will soon learn it's picked a duff spot to call home and I'm sure will move on pretty quickly. A flyover Linnet was a bit of a surprise here.